The desire of every customer is to buy a safe and hygienically sound product, which is why the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) has been introduced in food establishments (ATKKT – Critical Control Point Risk Analysis).

All companies engaged in the production and processing of food already have the HACCP system in place since the day it was legally required, which also applies to bakeries. However, as the situation in bakeries is constantly changing, the HACCP system is also adapting, thus it needs to be constantly maintained and supplemented.

From the moment of its establishment, our company has committed itself to carry out all the works in accordance with the HACCP and NIJZ (National Institute of Public Health) guidelines. According to the latest data, A.D. Acovia Design is currently the only company in Slovenia (and the Health Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia) registered for the production, import, processing, and the first marketing of materials and products intended for contact with food. We have all the necessary certificates and attestations, which we regularly renew. As a result, our statements and documentation that customers receive upon cooperation are accepted as appropriate by the supervisory authorities (inspection services, etc.). They also note that our partners strictly follow the applicable requirements and guidelines they receive in said documentation.

Based on our expertise, experience, and regular training, we help companies that deviate from the HACCP system to identify shortcomings and weaknesses in the production process. After the review, we make suggestions for improvements to ensure that the requirements of the HACCP system are met.

Our experts are available to help you:

  • review of the current situation and prevention of further errors,
  • in the introduction of new lines and technical solutions, where we empower your additional efficiency in production processes with advice as well as solutions,
  • in dealing with situations where a deviation from the HACCP guidelines has been identified in your production.

With this, we can offer a complete service in areas where the textile meets the food industry.

Our processes from fabric development to the final product enable you to operate in accordance with international requirements and the quality of your products will be at the very top of the world.